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  • 화이트 인스 타 그램 아이콘
  • 화이트 페이스 북 아이콘
  • 화이트 유튜브 아이콘


Studio Curiosity is a music production company

specialized in K drama & OST music.

We recently produced music for the projects:

“The Sound of Magic”, "Incomplete Life," "Signal”,

"My Mister," and "Itaewon Class."





We provide differentiated service through deep dive

into dramas and mutual communication with

productions to make optimized music contents.


And we also have been moving on to new

challenges for the best work, for example,

exceptionally appointed unfamous but

conformable singers, on the contrary to the business

practice which is expecting funds by celebrities.


This change led us to a successful result in

"Incomplete Life"(2014) and since then hiring

indie musician became a new trend.

"Global Drama and Film Scoring Production"


Studio Curiosity has been continuously developing

to adapt to changing media environment

and demands on the global market.


In 2022, we constructed the first Dolby Atmos

System in Korea and manage technical professionals.


Also, we are well equipped with our knowhow

in Drama & Film scoring and the latest technology,

in response to global OTT demands, XR,

Meta bus etc. in the future.



Studio Curiosity works as both Drama & Film scoring

direction (Music production and Scoring) and

OST music production (A&R and Song production).


Our competitive system provides excellent

services which can make high-qualified contents

with the best music directors, experts from Korea

and abroad, recording studios and house engineers.



Park Sung Il

Music Director , composer


Park Mu Il

sound producer


Han Sam



Kim Dae Sung

General Manager

© 2017 studio Curiosity 

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